Cardiac Arrhythmia Monitoring

Cardiac Arrhythmia monitoring involves specific tests which identify the type and cause of your irregular rhythms in your heartbeat. These arrhythmic tendencies may be experienced as a fluttering, skipping, or rapid increase in your heartbeats.

The arrhythmias are caused by problems with your heart’s electrical impulses. The irregular electrical impulse disrupts the pattern of electrical conduction throughout the heart muscle.

Cardiac Arrhythmia monitoring often involves three kinds of electrocardiography testing:

  • Resting ECG – completed while the patient is lying down on a table
  • ECG Stress Test – completed while the patient is exercising (most commonly while walking on a treadmill)
  • Ambulatory ECG – continuous monitoring in real-world settings, usually accomplished through the patient wearing a device such as the Holter monitor, a battery-operated mobile device. Continuous readings of the patient’s heart activity are taken for periods of 24 hours, several days, or possibly even weeks.

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