
An ankle-brachial index is an easy, noninvasive procedure which gives your physician an idea of how your blood flow health and also your risk level for peripheral artery disease (PAD).

As you might guess from the name, your ankle blood pressure will be taken as well as your arm blood pressure. Both will be compared, and if the index number is low (meaning the two blood pressures are far apart), your physician may conclude that the arteries in your legs have either narrowed or are blocked. In either case, your blood flow will be restricted, raising likeliness of other circulatory issues such as heart disease or stroke.

We recommend the ankle-brachial index as part of a package of tests that also includes a carotid artery screening and an abdominal aneurysm screening. These three screenings make up our VascularView package.

Related Conditions

Potential Risks

There are no risks associated with this procedure.